Thursday, December 5, 2019

Letter to The Hon. President of Sri Lanka

Dear president,

Good to know that you are inviting investors to Srilanka. To have investors in a country that requires some minimum standards without compromising anything of them. Like,

1) Good governance to assure the freedom and the safety of the foreigners who invest and live in the country.
2)High quality and prompt service from the government sector(which is famous for it's speedy actions in Sri Lanka) which related to business, like income tax office, business registrar, Llabour department,divisional secretariats and other licensing authorities  etc
3)Good transportation system,(which we have been improvising ),And high quality data and communication services with reasonable rates.
4)Media freedom and freedom of speech which removes the underlying fear about us from the investors.
5)Law and order , reliable law enforcement system (Police department)
6)Good education system and health care.(We have fairly good system now but should be modernized )

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